8 Tips for Caves People

If you’re a Caves Person, learning what you resonate with can be a game changer for your quality of life.

Or maybe someone in your close circle is a Caves Person and you want to understand them better these tips will help you recognize when a Caves Person is comfortable and vibing in their space.

This is great for parents to consider if they have a Caves Kid, as Human Design was initiated so we are better able to support our children.

These suggestions are playful and light; designed to get you experimenting with the space around you in an approachable manner.

If something doesn’t land with you, leave it, and take the rest. Remember these suggestions are not hard and fast rules, but a spacious way to get in touch with yourself.

The Room within the Room

The Closet can be a really therapeutic space for a Caves Person; there are no windows, and there’s only one way in! A walk-in closet is always a great place for a Cave Person to get a quick reset, and Caves Kids may even be drawn to tucking in the closet to hide or play. I worked with a Caves client once who would lay on the floor of her closet to get away from her young family… and I actually think that’s some great advice for new parents.

The Window-less Bathroom!

Many Caves People find themselves drawn to the bathroom; not just for bathroom breaks, but to linger in there a little longer than necessary — especially, for example, while at work! Many washrooms are designed in the centre of a space and don’t always have windows. It’s not that Caves People loath windows — but there is something very safe and therapeutic about a dark space with only one entrance. I knew a Caves Person who noticed himself retreating to the company washroom at lunch time just to get away and spend time on his phone as a welcome reprieve from the busy energy of the day. I can also attest to witnessing some Caves People liiiiiiiiinger in the bathroom on their phones while locking the door and taking a “delightful poop”. You may also really love to linger in your shower or bathtub with the curtain closed.

Driving in the Car

The Car can be a great Cave, especially when the car is moving and no one can enter. It’s a contained space that has the ability to make a Caves Person feel safe and secure, and even meditative. Sitting in the back seat may also be therapeutic as no one can sneak up from behind you when you’re in the back seat. Even though you may be driving and could see someone sitting in the back seat if they were there, just having someone sitting behind you may be slightly less comfortable for a Caves Person as it’s not great for someone to sneak up on you. Driving alone however, can be very restorative for some Caves People. And if the moment calls, go for a drive if you need to!

The “Booth” or Back-to-the-Wall

When going to a restaurant, always request the Booth! Protecting “the back of you” is essential for a Caves Person as the Cave Archetype has only “one opening to the Cave” so you are always safe inside. It’s important for Caves People to have control over how others approach them, preferably seeing them before they see you. If you dine out, request the booth if it’s available — so your back is protected. Don’t be afraid to ask for a different spot if you’re seated in the middle of the dining room with your back exposed and it doesn’t feel good for you. Orient yourself in a way that allows your back to be secure, and so you’re able to see anyone who approaches.

No Spooking Rule

It’s not healthy to spook or scare Caves People, especially Caves Kids. It’s important Caves Kids (and all ages!) feel SAFE in their space, and sneaking up on them (usually from behind) can be extremely jarring to their systems. For these people — hey! It’s not funny! No spooking. Caves People can definitely like and be drawn to horror movies and scary things, but only when they are relatively in control of the thing frightening them. (Control the approach)

Forts and Hiding Spots

Tucking into a cozy little spot where you feel safe and sound may be a fond memory for a Cave Adult. If you have Caves Kids in your life, encourage fort play, and design the fort with only one entrance. You may notice Caves Kids love hiding under blankets or even seeking out secret hiding spots! As an adult, you may be drawn to the cozy corner seat on the sectional, or that big cozy chair in the corner of the room. Some little Caves Kids also hide and scurry under tables!

The Basement (“Man-Cave”)

Nothing cozier than a basement for a Caves Person! Imagine a cozy basement with a cozy couch, warm little fireplace and heap of blankets? The ultimate dream. Out of all the Environments, Caves People tend to feel the most comfortable underground as it is very reminiscent of the literal cave. There is a feeling of safety from being tucked deep in the earth.

Back of the Room

This is a good phrase to keep in “the back” of your mind if you’re a Caves Person; think of sitting in the back of a classroom or lecture hall, and how that may be a more comfortable spot rather than at the front of the class where many people can be sitting behind you. The back of the movie theatre? Glorious! As a parent, you also may naturally be drawn to walking a few steps behind your kiddos, especially if you’re a Right Environment (Caves Blending) person, as you need something to observe. As two Caves People, Derek shared with me that when walking on the sidewalk, he and Hawk both fought to be in the back of the other. As the parent, Derek moved to the back while affirming in our Caves Kid, “You go ahead, dad will make sure things are safe behind you.”

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