Create a Valleys workspace

Try playing with these ideas to bring more awareness to your Valleys Workspace.

Some Environments are better for Shores than others, but considering what’s available to you in the space around you can go a long way. Take what feels fun and expansive and leave the rest. These ideas are to get you thinking about your Environment in a more expansive way.

Don’t know your Human Design Environment? Check out my exclusive Environment calculator for the simplest way to learn yours.

Prioritize connection

How can you prioritize your connection spaces, whether that’s your computer or technology, your playlists and speakers, or seating for you and/or guests? Depending on your workspace, how can you build the space around your connection sites? How might you prioritize these facets of the room depending on how you make a living?

What rituals make you feel plugged into your work and lifestyle?

Is it a fresh coffee in the morning using your favourite accessories and flavours? How might you build that ritual into your workspace? Do you like a mid-day meditation break or walk outside? How might you build a site in your workspace? Consider your unique rituals and how they can take up a small (or large!) volume of space in your work areas.

Evaluate your workspace and determine if it’s too loud or too dull

Do you need to bring in some colour, or a volume of energy somewhere, or do you need to tone things down? Consider taking in the entire space as is and assess where certain levels need to be adjusted. Certain brightnesses or contrasts in colour, feel, or mood or textures may need to be shifted to better suite the vibe you like. What type of mood do you like to work in, and how can you bring more of that energy into your space?

Create quiet zones

Quiet zones might be areas with silencing headphones accessible, sound proof rooms, places with low colours and tones and “quiet moods”, or certain time zones where you are not plugged in to technology, people, or anything else.

Vibey workplace connections

Are your work connections healthy and prosperous? Do you have a way of contacting or staying in touch with the people you want to be plugged in to? Consider evaluating and reviewing any email subscriptions you have on a regular basis (I suggest seasonally/quarterly), or how regularly you are contacting existing clients or relationships in your line of work. These connections are important for your vitality.

Develop weekly, monthly, and seasonal rituals

This can be times where you go through your emails or check in with your finances or goals. Have regular check-in routines or self-care rituals lined up on a rhythmic basis in regards to your work life. This can also be for work life balance. This helps move you into a deep life flow and rhythm, with connection to sources that feed and nourish you. Consider how things like massages, or facials, or walks, or marathons, etc could be a nourishing cadence to move into.

Get low

Where can you set out an area to be low to the ground? Are there carpets available to spread out on, or bolsters on the floor to plop onto? Many Valleys people are drawn to keeping their ears to the ground with info they like, and may often feel pulled to the earth in some way. Your brainstorms may have you sitting on the floor! Don’t be afraid to sprawl out on the floor in your space — in fact how can you encourage that?

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