No. 6 - Healing Soul Loss as the Demon Hunter

Vaness Henry: 0:01

Hello and happy new year, happy new entry into 2024 or happy human design new year. Or, if you're like me and you love Chinese astrology and Feng Shui, the Chinese new year is also quickly approaching, so new energy all around. I like to take January pretty slow when I start my year. I do a lot of the spiritual heavy lifting during the winter months and in the wellness club for this season I was introducing a brand new expedition to kind of coincide with the energy that we might naturally come across at this time of year. Now, over the winter holidays I was traveling back to the prairies. It was great to be re-immersed in that environment and then come home and be able to be appreciative of my origin site, appreciative of where I am now and it's been pretty mild here where I am in the Okanagan, and we just recently got our first kind of big snowfall and so it's finally really starting to feel like that cozy new season and medicine that I have taken from being raised and steeped in the prairies is it gets really cold there. It gets like minus 50 degrees Celsius and while the warmer season, so much of the community is outside and living lake life and really participating in things like agriculture or even personal gardening. When the cool season arrives it's sometimes too cold to go outside and so in the prairies a lot of the culture was to hole up in the winter seasons and really work on your art form, really work on your craft or your creativity. And the prairies are a really rich creative hub and I'm feeling a lot of gratitude lately for being steeped in an environment like that when I was young and and knowing what it's like to really work on your craft or your art form whatever that may be and kind of devote a time of the year where you're doing that and you're really working on that.

Vaness Henry:2:10

I know when I was in college that was when I wrote a lot of my albums. I was a recording artist and I had some tumultuous 20 something year old relationships. You know, when you're a young person and you're learning, making all these mistakes and writing music was a really impactful way for me to process what was going on. Funny anecdote is, once my relationship started getting very beautiful and enriching, I couldn't write music anymore in the same way. It was like I could only write a really depressing ballad or something. Anyway, I'm not in that world anymore. My musical background has really shifted. My husband and I have a production company. I do a lot of creating with inter-expeditions or producing musical content for others, so I feel like I really was a 3-2 and became a 6-2 through that experience. Actually, dr Dre is somebody who is a recording artist and producer who really inspires me because he's a 6-2. I think he's a really great example of earlier in his career with Eminem being more prominent and then as he went on the roof, he really took a step back and became more of that producer role, working behind the scenes and doing albums for people in different ways, and then coming off the roof. Of course, he's exciting to watch again.

Vaness Henry:3:17

So creativity and allowing myself to be steeped in creativity at this time of the year is something that has really been built into my personal culture and, as somebody who practices the shamanic arts, this is the time of year where I really like to do the deep work. This is when I really like to go in and I feel very supportive by cosmic forces, by earth forces. There's so much about the environment around me that is that sleep, internal hibernate kind of energy that I really like to tap into and I wanted to design a really cathartic inner expedition to focus on for this entire season. Now I'm located in the Northern hemisphere and there are a lot of people who I work with, who are in the wellness club, who are in the Southern hemisphere and I want to say I do feel like this will be a match, no matter when you are listening to it. However, I will only have it available for this season. It will retire and go away in the spring season, summer and fall, and my intention is to have this type of thing come out in the winter seasons and away in the spring season, summer and fall, and my intention is to have this type of thing come out in the winter seasons and then in the spring it will shift.

Vaness Henry:4:30

But I like I like there to be core inner expeditions to work with and then new seasonal ones that I get to be really experimental with, really try to play with some shamanic principles and ultimately create something that moves toward meaningful change and helps me to identify things within myself that I'm ready to transmute and have come up to the surface. The older I get, the more and more I realize there are little traumas that were collected throughout the entire life experience and continue to be collected and will continue to be collected as I proceed forward. So what am I able to do for myself? What tools am I able to create for myself to find the time and space to go in and actually do that very gentle, metaphysical tending that allows me to clear my spirits from my frequency field, my energy field, my aura, my grid, however you want to describe that, so that it isn't hanging on to it isn't being held on in my body somewhere ready to warp and distort and turn into something potentially harmful, such as chronic illness, terminal illness, mental illness or just a dispirited sense of self or dis-ease somewhere coursing through my system.

Vaness Henry:5:51

So the concept of the demon hunt is to do an inner expedition where you are traveling within to hunt down inner demons. Now, I know that sounds kind of intimidating. Oh my God, demons, like is there going to be a ghost? Is there going to be a vampire? Is there going to be a witch that comes and like attacks me, a scary alien? Well, I want to say to you maybe this is your imagination, but anything, I guess anything could really appear to you when you are going on this hunt. But what's important to remember is inner demons are aspects of you, so let's not be that afraid, right, this is an aspect of self.

Vaness Henry:6:32

When we are moving through life, we encounter experiences that sometimes we are not equipped with an adequate perception of awareness to be able to actually process and deal with that traumatic experience. Obviously, sometimes there are traumas we experience that are too much, and as a survival mechanism we sometimes compartmentalize or we shut down you know all those kinds of things that can happen in order to literally just stay alive and cope. From a shamanic perspective, when we encounter these really jarring experiences, we may fragment spiritually, and what that means is, in order to survive, part of our spirit breaks off and doesn't have to continue forward, and so sometimes people have traumas, they don't remember things, or they develop PTSD or certain neuroses, and these are all signs that there is something that has not been fully processed. There is perhaps soul loss and when part of the spirit is fragmented and left behind somewhere on the timeline or somewhere, in turn into an inner demon, an aspect of self that is broken, that is roaming the inner halls, roaming the darkness. It's still a part of you, but it's not attached to the whole. It's just this one broken off piece that might be really amplified, might be really upset, might be really violent, might present as a gargoyle, might present as you as a little kid, could present as absolutely anything.

Vaness Henry:8:15

But in this expedition series, because we're going in and doing this really deep work, I wanted to introduce you into two-part expeditions where you move through a transformation sequence at the beginning that cloaks you in a certain attire. Now, depending on if you've done any sort of shamanic practices in the past, there are certain rituals, actually even in some kind of like Wiccan practices I've seen this too or even even just meditation. You know you'll visualize. Uh, you're wrapped in a golden light. You know that kind of thing. You are preparing the self spiritually, psychologically. I'm safe, I'm protected. Whatever I'm going to encounter here can't hurt me. It's a very similar concept. However, in the demon hunt you're going to be transforming into the demon hunter, and when you transform into the demon hunter, you might put on a costume, you might grow body parts or shift genders or become some type of creature you are going to transform in whatever the protective armor is that you need to go find and hunt down. Whatever demon it is that you're going to encounter in that expedition. It is one demon that we find per expedition, but I do want to encourage you to do this a series of times so that you can collect inner demons as you go. So I wanted to capture a few expeditions that I did before showing this to you to give you examples of what the demon hunt can look like.

Vaness Henry:9:46

But first I really just want to clamp down on a concept so that we know what we're doing going forward, in shamanic perspective, shamanic principles, there are shamanic illness, there are concepts of shamanic illness, and one of the primary illnesses that can affect us metaphysically is soul loss and the concept of soul loss. There are things like entanglement and enmeshment and power loss. There are different kinds of shamanic illnesses and I want to talk about soul loss specifically. This is the one I do the most work with and there are multiple ways that we can remedy the experience of soul loss or fragmentation, and the demon hunt is something that I designed specifically to go in and deal with this concept of soul loss. So we know, as we are living our life and we encounter traumatic experiences which is a part of life we want to equip ourselves with um tools, processes, ways to deal with those experiences. Now, sometimes we don't know what we don't know and we don't know what we're going to need. And that's when we encounter something that we're not prepared to handle and we may experience fragmentation, we may experience soul loss.

Vaness Henry:11:05

We're part of us, part of our spirit breaks apart and is left behind, stuck in a moment sometimes. You know, one of my demon hunts was very much stuck in a moment in time and I can't wait to share that one with you because it was very cathartic and very emotional and I want to tell you what my imagination moved through in order to bring deep crying, deep release and getting that up and out of the body. There's a lot of somatic practices coming online right now of ways we can work with the body to move things through the body. There are things like breath work, stretching, and I do view this as a very similar type of thing, even though you are going to be reclined and using your imagination.

Vaness Henry:11:50

So in the dark aspects of our inner world, in those shadowy corners in our inner world, there are creatures that hang out and lurk there, but none of them are a match for you, because you're the demon hunter and you come out once a year for an entire season and you hunt down as many as you can. So in your life, when you're falling apart, when your spirit is fragmented and gets left behind, when you're disembodied from your whole, there are parts of you that are detached and kept in the dark. But it's important to remember that, anywhere your spirit is or has been, whether it's whole or broken or whatever, it's comprised of light. So this expedition is designed to restore your spirits. It is deep healing around soul loss and it is a deep inner practice meant to be repeated throughout this season. So, since you're going to be introduced to two-part expeditions, here's what you can expect. When you plug into the demon hunter for the first time, you're going to be greeted from me, as always, but you're going to be greeted from me as always, but you're going to be put into a short three minute sequence where you transform into the demon hunter.

Vaness Henry:13:01

I grew up watching Sailor Moon and I loved when Sailor Moon or Jupiter or Mars, when they would transform into their power suits or their outfits. I actually love this about any sort of superhero movie. I think they maybe even did this in Power Rangers when they transform, you know, and there's a beautiful soundtrack to when they transform. And so for you transforming into the demon hunter. There's another beautiful soundtrack where you're going to imagine your arms changing, your feet changing. What are you wearing? What do you look like when you're in this really powerful form, incredibly protected? Right, you're the God frequency of this inner world. It's your inner world, so nothing can hurt you here.

Vaness Henry:13:43

But how might you imagine yourself when you are really powerful and on the hunt to find broken aspects of self that you can reintegrate into your fullness and heal? You're then going to be immediately immersed into a landscape. You're going to hear my voice again greeting you. We're here. We're now hunting for a demon. Notice what you look like and you're going to be off and you're going to be looking for a demon.

Vaness Henry:14:11

This demon can present like anything. It can be a version of you as a little child, it could be another person entirely, it could be a creature, it could be an animal, it could be absolutely anything. You just want to attune your awareness to go find that being. You are then going to hear the music shift and this is when you have hunted this creature, this entity, this inner demon down and you're going to you realize like this is a piece of me. So I need to reintegrate this back into myself, into my wholeness, heal this, and whatever needs to be done in order to heal this experience, I will do it. So, for example, sometimes that might look like you know I was. You know this is me very intense and triggering here, but let's say this somebody was assaulted and they journey back to the time when they hug them or fight them. Whatever needs to happen, you want to let it happen. There's no right or wrong, there's no good or bad. Let it unfold how it needs to. That is the process of reintegrating the demon hunt into your fullness. Whatever that part of you needs to do to bring that experience to peace, how might you show up as a healing, strong, powerful presence and hold your own hand and do that?

Vaness Henry:15:44

Um, I now want to share with you some of my expeditions, uh, that I did, some of my hunts. I want to share two of them with you, because I did a bunch when I was designing this, and two are really quite powerful and had different, dramatically different experiences, and I'd like to share them with you. The first one oh my gosh. So I become the demon hunter and I have a very classic attire I will wear and I'd like to describe it to you. I imagine myself head to toe in leather.

Vaness Henry:16:13

I'm also really tall. I'm probably between six and seven feet and I'm only five seven in my physical self. So I present much larger. My gender is not very apparent, but I do have really really long hair to my waist that's pulled back in a very tight ponytail. The big leather boots, the leather pants, it all crawls up my whole body, down my arms big, long black leather cape, but the leather crawls up my neck, covers my mouth and over my nose, almost like a mask was built into my suit. So all you can see are my eyes, and my eyes are completely white, completely white. There's no pupil, there's no color, it's just completely white. And I have a huge hat, a big hat. Okay, it's got a massive wide brim, almost like a sombrero, and it's not tall like a top hat, it's very rounded, but it's like a flattened down top hat. It's completely black and it's made of black Jaguar fur and it feels very. It feels like velvet. And so I transform into this powerful attire and then land in an inner world.

Vaness Henry:17:28

As I land in this inner world, I immediately recognize it as the sixth floor of a hospital that I know very well and I can hear my leather squeaking as I'm walking up this hallway and I recognize I'm on the sixth floor and I'm looking for a room number. I'm looking for a room number and I see this energy darting between the rooms on one side running across the other other side and I'm hunting and I'm looking for this thing and it's almost like this dark purple blur and suddenly I'm looking for a door. I'm looking for a door. It's starting to feel intense and I recognize this is Victoria hospital. This is the hospital my dad died in. This is a hospital. I grew up playing in these hallways a lot because he was here a lot. What was his room number? I know it was the sixth floor and I actually can't remember what it is, but my mind then populated the room 604. And I went into it.

Vaness Henry:18:28

As I go into this room, there's the father, the dead body, and there is the dark purple entity, inner demon, huddled in the corner. It is a little tiny child version of me, but really like, like, really out of her spirits, you know, really suffering, and the aura is this cloudy, dark purple. She's angry, she looks like pointy and violent, she's upset, but she's a little kid and I'm there in this, like what am I wearing? And I just glance over into the mirror that is across from me and I catch a glimpse of myself. And I'm in plain jeans, a plain white t-shirt. I still have the same really dark ponytail pulled back, but I look very basic, very soft, very approachable. I do not look like a scary demon hunter.

Vaness Henry:19:24

And so I walk forward and I kneel down and I approach her. I now see, before I even get a chance to really engage with her, these nurses come in and are taking his body away and they notice we're there and they ask us to leave and suddenly I see all the family is in the hallway waiting for us. So I take this little person's hand and we walk out into the hallway and she darts her hand up. She doesn't want to be holding hands, and I remember doing that.

Vaness Henry:19:51

I remember my mom reached to hold my hand shortly at like my dad had just passed away. Everybody was now leaving the hospital and she reached for my hand. I pulled it up in my shirt and I didn't. Can't have anybody touch me, hermit. Oh my God, I don't know what to do.

Vaness Henry:20:03

Nobody touched me and I was teleported back to that moment and what was I thinking in that time? When I retracted my hand from my mom or my sister I it's you know what it's foggy Somebody was reaching for me and I pulled away and I asked her they all continue forward and I stopped little Nessie and asked her like what's wrong? What are, what are we? Why are you pulling your hand away? And she turns and faces me and starts rifling through all these questions what's going to happen to him? Where are they taking to him? What happens when he dies? What's going to happen to his body? Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Question, question, question, question, question. And I was like, okay, well, let's go back and let's see what happens to his body. But we go back into the room and he's not there. He's already been taken away and she's very upset by this.

Vaness Henry:20:54

So we go to the stairwell. Stairwells are very powerful things to see in inner expeditions. But she takes me to the seventh floor and I remember this stairwell because we grew up on this hospital. We played in this stairwell a lot and this one particular time the seventh floor was like blocked off because there were people who were dealing with mental illness there, and quite severe, and so it wasn't safe for them to be, let's say, have access to other parts of the hospital. And so there was this big gate and there was this time where I had.

Vaness Henry:21:23

I was playing there and encountered someone who who had gotten out of their room and was very distraught and trying to get through the gate, and so what? She took me to this place and there was these people distraught at the gate and she was very scared of this, and so I was kind of wondering why she brought me here. And I said, well, you know, he would probably be brought down to the morgue because that's where they're going to bring bodies that they're going to that have that have passed away. So she wanted me to take her there. So I hold her hand in this white t-shirt, blue jeans, but the spirit of this leather being, you know and we walk all the way down the stairs and we get to the morgue and I open up this door and there he is laying on a metal bed in the middle of the room and nothing else is really in there. Right, it's just a big clear room and there's all like the morgue doors all around, but we're alone. There's nobody in there. It's this big, open space with a spotlight. Well, she runs into him and collapses on him and she's sobbing.

Vaness Henry:22:26

At this point I'm pretty hysterical and I'm watching her cry, cry, cry and I revisit the shame I felt inside when he passed away. I was too embarrassed to say my goodbyes. The room had so many people in it and everybody was. He had already passed away and everybody was saying their goodbyes to him and laying on him and kissing him goodbye and saying these beautiful things, and I was just so aware of too many people in the room I wasn't comfortable having my final goodbye with him and so I did not get it. I was just pulled out of the room, didn't really get my opportunity. I see now, as an adult, with everything I know about myself and my own hermit nature and I don't like to be watched when I'm doing very vulnerable private things I see that the environment wasn't safe for me to do that, but it ended up. I didn't get the experience of saying goodbye in that way, and so an aspect of self was trapped there, absolutely tortured, looking for him, just looking for him.

Vaness Henry:23:27

Now, what happened next was absolutely fascinating and very healing for me personally. I watched her. I just stood in the doorway and watched this little Nessie draped over her father's dead body, bawling, bawling, bawling, bawling. I felt like we were there forever. And I watched her age. All of a sudden she was a teenager, bawling, bawling, bawling on him. All of a sudden she was a young person, a young adult, bawling, bawling, bawling. Then she looked like me, bawling, bawling, bawling, and her hair started to gray, bawling, bawling, bawling. She never stopped crying and she lived out her entire existence, from her age there to death, sobbing on him, saying her version of a goodbye. She and him eventually disintegrated as she cried it all out. It kind of just faded and disappeared.

Vaness Henry:24:30

And I turn around to face the door, catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and I'm in the Demon Hunter attire again. I'm in my big hat, my face is covered and I kind of walk out and do my callback and zoom through, rewinding through this expedition. That was so for me, you know, just to be like. Like, how many times do we even have the space to go back and allow ourselves to really intimately rethink and revisit some of those things? For some of us, that is very, very upsetting and we're not able to do it. That's why imagining yourself in this incredibly powerful form, creates this psychological protection that allows you to go in and do the shamanic work, that allows you to be very protected and very safe and find things that you maybe wouldn't naturally just think about while you're daydreaming, replying to emails. You know there's a different type of intentional practice to it.

Vaness Henry:25:26

Now I want to share another one, just to show you context and how this type of expedition can change. So I plug in at a separate time and I go in to do an expedition and I hit the transformation sequence. Well, I do not become the demon hunter in the leather garb that I am familiar with. I become a massive dragon oh my gosh, it felt amazing Like I'm. I'm so strong, I'm freaking, flying, I've got fire coming out and I'm very powerful. And, interestingly, through this transformation sequence, a massive army of dragons emerges with me and I'm sort of at the helm with these dragons.

Vaness Henry:26:08

Now, as we enter the expedition, we fly out and the expedition begins and I'm over endless water. I'm like great emotions, okay, an endless ocean, endless ocean. And I can't see anything. There's no land in sight and I'm not really sure what I'm looking for. And I'm flying with my whole fleet and then, all of a sudden, I kind of look directly down and of course I realize, oh, this is a mirror, this water is a mirror. What am I going to see? Oh, this is a mirror, this water is a mirror. What am I going to see? And there's another dragon in the water and it's flying very similar to me, but it's under the water and it starts coming up and destroying my fleet, because my fleet is designed for the sky, it's not designed for the water. And I realize I'm at a disadvantage and my fleet is being destroyed.

Vaness Henry:26:59

I'm like, oh God, what do I do? What do I do? And I kind of have this moment like this this is my inner world, you know, it's this kind of feeling that begins. And I then dive down directly into the ocean and it's, it's now. The other dragon is now running from me or swimming from me. He's trying to get away from me Cause I'm now very actively chasing it. I found you, I see you, I'm going to get you. That's the energy. And we go all the way down. I'm chasing it forever. We're going to the very bottom of the lake and like I'm a sky dragon, but it doesn't matter, I can go anywhere, I fly all the way down. It's not a lake, it's an endless ocean. We're swimming for so long and I, finally, the way I catch it, I, I ingest the whole dragon, like the whole thing goes in my body. And then I land on some kind of bed, some kind of ground, some kind of base of this water area, and all the water starts to fall away and I'm, I rise to the surface and this landmass rises and I'm draped there on it and I'm just so heavy, like oh, I can't move, I'm like I don't, I need help, I need help. And I kind of summoned that out there.

Vaness Henry:28:16

And recently, um, I encountered somebody who worked with the light wing and, for whatever reason, I called out and summoned the light wing and this other practitioner, this healer, then appeared in my world with about a thousand of her, and it was this full fleet, same kind of dragon energy, but it was now presenting different. None of my, none of my fleet was around. I was the only dragon there on this now growing Island, but I was too heavy to move. It was something wasn't right. I couldn't digest it, something I couldn't, it was hurting me, and so I summoned the light wing, these spiritual healers who appeared and then were all around me and were operating on me and they cut out this dragon out of my stomach.

Vaness Henry:29:06

Oh, I immediately feel like, oh, so much better. But I am asking like, where's the dragon? Where's the dragon I ingested and the leader of the light wing put her hand on me and said it was decomposed, and so we removed it and disposed of it and we buried it. And it is now buried on this Island and I kind of thanked her and her entire light wing started to sort of disintegrate and disappear and they present with really really blue light and all these little light beams, kind of sort of disintegrating, all thousands of them, until there was really just one left, the one practitioner left, and she was kind of there just observing me making sure I was okay, and I said I felt okay, like I feel okay, I feel like I just need to recover, and she'd performed a sort of surgery on me.

Vaness Henry:29:54

This is very classic and shamanic spaces where you might split in two, you might be operated on, you might be disassembled and re-put apart or re-put back together, excuse me. And so I was kind of just in recovery and then I got the call back and so I looked at her and said thank you and she finally went back on her way and she bowed to me. I bowed to her, we kind of hugged and thanked each other and I rewound through the whole experience. And that one I was like, wow, is this connected to, um, you know, gestation and having other children? Is this connected to emotional eating, you know? Because it was water and emotions and I ingested something but I needed help processing it. So lots of things to kind of unpack there to the point where I was like I'm going to go back and now do another demon hunt Because the first one I shared with you it did feel like it came to completion.

Vaness Henry:30:48

I really did feel like I watched that part of myself have the big release that was needed for that situation. I felt a sense of peace there at the end of the expedition. But in my dragon expedition I did not feel that sense of peace. I felt like I needed to be in the time of recovery. So I kind of made the little internal promise to myself I'm going to journey back there and back to that Island where that that dragon I ingested is buried and maybe I will summon the light wing again for insight If that's somebody that I feel connected to once I'm in that expedition. But I also know I have everything I need as the demon hunter to do what I have to do, but something about that doesn't feel like it's done, you know. So I am going to go back and continue that, and so I'm sharing these two examples with you to show you like I presented once as this person in this intense attire who then transformed into the most basic attire. Then I transformed into a dragon. You know you can, you will transform into whatever you need to transform into, for whatever demon hunt you're going to go on and the mission that you want to fulfill is to find that inner demon Again, the dragon in the water. That didn't look like another version of me, right? But it does represent something like that.

Vaness Henry:32:07

So this can be really heavy work, you know, and I do want you to proceed with caution If you choose to participate in this. It is extremely cathartic, extremely healing, but you want to be in a good mental space when you're doing it, right, because you might get very upset depending on what you see and go relive. So you do want to use your judgment call, but I want to remind you. When I do this with people, I like to really encourage them Like you're in your power, this is your world. Like if you feel afraid and you need to imagine the most perfect weapon to get out of the situation, you can and you will and you want to just trust your mind, trust your imagination, to unlock in that way.

Vaness Henry:32:49

But you might do an expedition and it was really heavy and you might need to take weeks to process it or go in and continue it, like I did or need to do, excuse me, with my dragon experience. So take it one by one and do as many of these as you can throughout the season. This will be going away as we move toward the equinox. It's only going to be available when the energetic influence of the cosmos and planet is very encouraging to my perspective and it will retire. So it's it's kind of like this fun, deep, imaginative healing work to participate in when the energy around you really supports it. I'm going to be prompting you throughout the season to do these at random times, just like when we were doing earlier experiments, but you can do it whenever you would like. As we continue through this season, we are going to be doing another tower sequence together, that's a four part shamanic sequence to go do some deep healing and deconditioning, and the demon hunt is something that would really compliment that. So my intention is, after we do the four week tower sequence, I will prompt you to do a demon hunt after that as well. However, we will have some demon hunts before and after, but I just want you to be aware of that if you're listening to this insight in real time and you know just a little housekeeping thing, this is my kind of private season.

Vaness Henry:34:15

When I enter into the winter season, I like to take most of January off for my own, my own rest, and then I start to gear back up as we approach February and March, and during that time I like to do a lot of reviewing. We had a really encouraging and helpful mercury retrograde and we will have a few more this year, and something that I discovered was some areas that could have better optimization when people are using my resources on their mobile phone. Um, 70% of people are using resources on their phone, and so I didn't really like how, when you push play on an expedition, it will just take you to a Squarespace audio. It was kind of losing the integrity of the experience of what I could keep on your screen and I learned that that was a security breach. That link could be kind of shared to everyone and so it wasn't as secure. So I had to do some redesigning to the frequency bar and what I ended up doing was converting all the audios into a video file so that you push play on a video. Now there's not really much to watch on the video, it's just going to be a dark screen because your eyes are supposed to be closed. But I want to let you know the reason for that was so when you push play, it stays visible on your phone rather than prompting you. That little audio file. I just I honestly I just thought it was ugly. And then when I learned it was, it wasn't secure and people could be stealing it I was like, well, okay, then that's my reason to make the adjustment, so the frequency bar might look different. If you were in earlier versions of it and you have plugged in and seen it, it's going to look different. There's a little bit of an update. I hope you like it.

Vaness Henry:35:56

This is my art form that I always am kind of adjusting and playing with, so I'm not open to critique on it. I make it for myself and love to share it with others, and these are the tools I actually use when I'm going in and doing my own shamanic practice. The demon hunt and doing that practice of soul loss is what I like to do in the winter season. However, I do find Capricorn season, aquarius season and Pisces season very supportive time to be doing that, and when things flip to Aries, I typically do something different. If you have done any shamanic journeying or inner expeditions with me in earlier times, you might have experienced some of my springtime material times. Uh, you might have experienced some of my springtime material, which will be coming out, um, but for now, I want you to go or go check out the new frequency bar so that you see how it works, so you can see that these are kind of video files that are meant to be listened to. So there's not much video to look at, um, but the experience is just a little bit different. Please participate in the demon hunt If you feel like your spirits are in a place where you can do that, you're feeling brave, you're feeling courageous or you're feeling like, yeah, I'm ready to go in and really work on my shit and really look at some things and get some old frequencies out of my body.

Vaness Henry:37:11

I really resonate with shamanic healing and it's a practice that I find I have big cathartic releases in. It feels right for me. It doesn't feel right for you. Again, I want to say this is heavy work. You will very likely get emotional when you're doing a demon hunt, but you want to remember that you are the God in that place. You are the most powerful being. You are absolutely protected. Nothing can hurt you there. We're going in to reinvigorate your body's healing process and by reincorporating inner demons and healing them in that way, reincorporating them into self so they are no longer lost, fragmented aspects of your spirit there is deep healing that happens in the body. It's a way to reinvigorate the spirit, the spirit of the body or the metaphysical part of the body. So I'm really excited for us to start the demon hunt.

Vaness Henry:38:02

I really hope you enjoy it, I hope you get something out of it and I hope you do multiple this season.

Vaness Henry:38:07

Please feel free to write to me any of your expeditions to my email. I love to read them. I also really love to read how you interpret them. I saw the ocean, so I translated it. I saw the dragon, so I translated it. An island came, so I translated it.

Vaness Henry:38:23

Here's how I think that relates to me. I love seeing that. It's very inspiring for me, very encouraging for me. So if you find you need to get your expedition out which I really recommend doing please know you are always welcome to write it out to me. You're welcome to share it to a friend, record a voice note for yourself. But as soon as you're done, it's a really good practice just to go get it out, write it out, voice note it out, email someone, whatever you need to do to complete that process of expelling it from your spirits. So I hope you enjoy it. It is all available now and let me know how your expeditions went. Also, I kind of want to know what you transform into as the demon hunter, like what's the cool attire you're going to wear? Could be fun.


No. 7 - Aquarian Entrepreneurship with Jasmine Nnenna


No. 5 - Looking Closer at your Mascots